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Short Fiction
"Ghosts in the Ash," Planet Scumm, Issue #15, May 2023. (available online)
"The Gratitude of Mice," Strange Horizons, March 2023. (available online)
"The Last Tenants," New England Review, December 2022. (available online)
"The Hole," Nashville Review, April 2022. (available online)
"Whale Fall," Catapult, December 2021. (available online)
"Sleeping Giants," The Waking (Ruminate Magazine online), November 2021. (Nominated for Best Small Fictions 2022) (available online)
"Leaving," Sunlight Press, August 2021. (available online)
"A Too Small Room," Fractured Lit, August 2021. (Ghost, Fable, and Fractured Fairy Tale Prize judged by Kevin Brockmeier, 3rd place, and Spotlighted Story for Best Small Fictions 2022) (available online)
"Eating Stale Biscuits in the Middle of the Pacific Ocean," SmokeLong Quarterly, Issue 72, June 2021. (Nominated for a Pushcart Prize) (available online)
"Love at the End of the World," Qwerty, Issue 42, January 2021.
"Sara's City," Baltimore Review, Spring 2020. (available online)
"Tomorrow, When the Sun Rises," Room Magazine, 43.2: Devour, June 2020.
"Hatch," Forge Literary Magazine, 2019. (available online)
"The Mechanical Mind," LampLight Magazine Vol. 8 Issue 1, 2019.
"Super," Metaphorosis, 2019. (available online)
"Two Shoes," Punchnel's, 2015.
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